The biggest threat to both organizations and individuals online comes from zero-day exploits that aren't picked up by conventional antivirus protection.
In many cases an infection starts with a phishing email which can appear legitimate but contains links to malicious content.
Protection specialist Votiro already provides a free data sanitization service to scan for malicious code in files but it’s now extending its service to guard against spear phishing and other email-based attacks.
It allows users to forward questionable emails to the service and runs the same anti-virus scanning and active process on the email contents along with any links and attachments. This ensures immediate protection and enhanced usability.
"Statistics consistently show that nearly all cyber attacks begin with a spear phishing email that appears to be innocent, although its contents, links or attachments are tainted with hidden malware and similar advanced cyberthreats," says Itay Glick, Founder and CEO of Votiro. "Our mission is to position our customers with a security posture that automatically identifies and eliminates the growing range of unknown and ongoing cybersecurity threats. By extending our free service, we are allowing enterprises and organizations to sample the strengths and benefits of our new spear phishing protection capabilities that are being incorporated into our overall solution".
Votiro's free service is intended to demonstrate the strengths of the overall solution, which automatically stops spear phishing and file-based attacks before these exploits have the opportunity to reach an internal network.
The scanning service doesn't affect the usability of a file and the solution can be seamlessly integrated into an organization's IT infrastructure.
The free file sanitization service is available at and spear phishing protection can be accessed by forwarding suspicious emails to
Photo Credit: Ivelin Radkov/Shutterstock