If you are unable to comment on BetaNews stories, our apologies, comment service Disqus suffers service problems this morning. A reader alerted me about 30 minutes ago. When I couldn't comment on any story, I had headed over to Disqus only to get an "unavailable" message.
"Disqus has been intermittently unavailable for the past few minutes, and we are working on a solution. We apologize for the disruption and appreciate your patience", according to the Status site, which I got to from a Tweet. BetaNews is one of many sites that relies on the service for comments.
Coming sideways to the main site, I see this message:
Hello! Disqus is currently in maintenance mode. You can still navigate the website and access your content, however many actions such as moderation and settings are temporarily disabled. This shouldn't take too long, and we're sorry for the inconvenience. In the meantime, there will be some quirkiness as we make some improvements.
We'll keep you updated.
Disqus is back after a 29-minute outage: "Disqus is now running normally again. We again apologize for the hassle and are monitoring the situation closely to ensure there are no further issues".
No reason is given for the outage.
Photo Credit: Ollyy/Shutterstock