By Joe Wilcox, Betanews
If the answer is "Yes," you were laid off, I'd like to tell your story. Please e-mail joewilcox at gmail dot com. I must confirm your identity, but your story will be anonymous to protect your severance package. I must reemphasize: All current or former employees' identities will be kept anonymous. Journalists protect their sources; I am especially protective of mine. You can speak freely, as did the former employees who shared their stories for my February five-part series.
I'm also looking for contractors who Microsoft recently sent packing. I've been hearing some strange things about Microsoft's use of contractors, such as the surprising number, the even more surprising number recently let go and that numerous employees sacked during the last round of layoffs returned as contractors in similar roles. I'd like to tell your story, too.
Since I'm asking for stories, I'll make a tougher request: Insiders with guts enough to share their stories about KIN's killing. If you worked on the project or have an opinion about it, I'd like to tell your story, too. Once again, anonymity is assured; I will protect your job.
I'm troubled by the layoffs' timing -- days after Microsoft closed fiscal 2010. If Microsoft is bloodletting to soothe shareholders, why not purge during the previous fiscal year and carry the costs there? Many other reports suggest that the layoffs are normal, in that their timing is consistent with end-of-year evaluations. I don't believe that, given how the layoffs are coming well after the typical evaluation period and carrying into fiscal 2011.
To reiterate: Please e-mail your story to joewilcox at gmail dot com. In most instances, I will follow-up with additional questions. I will not accept comments to this post as stories. You must e-mail me for your story to be told. I have no intention of letting anonymous commenters who might not work for Microsoft vent against the company. The stories will publish over the next couple days into next week, depending on how many are received.
Copyright Betanews, Inc. 2010Microsoft - Betanews - Layoff - Fiscal year - Monopolies and Oligopolies