Publié: octobre 14, 2008, 12:52am CEST
Showing that the upcoming G1, the industry's first Android-based mobile device, isn't the only new smartphone to be "exclusive" to its wireless network, on Monday, T-Mobile USA announced the availability of a BlackBerry flip phone.
Publié: octobre 14, 2008, 12:39am CEST
Is it an indication that poetic titles and artificial excitement can do less to endear an OS in the minds of its users than simple, straightforward functionality? Today, Microsoft said it's going back to doing things by number.
Publié: octobre 14, 2008, 12:07am CEST
For the last several days, investors whose contribution of capital influx fuels the US technology business had difficulty determining which way was up. Today, on what for some was a holiday, they definitely found up again.