Publié: août 22, 2008, 10:39pm CEST
In separate reports issued this week, one prominent analyst firm proclaimed the impending death of CDMA cellular technology, while another touted its resurgence. So which is it?
Publié: août 22, 2008, 10:22pm CEST
The groundwork may have been laid by Nikola Tesla for wireless transmission of electricity, but Intel is putting it to good use through a new effort to charge a laptop in much the same manner.
Publié: août 22, 2008, 9:58pm CEST
Users of Apple's music store in China have been reporting problems downloading music since the beginning of the week.
Publié: août 22, 2008, 8:59pm CEST
Research In Motion launched its newest BlackBerry, the Bold, in Canada yesterday. Reviewers who have hastily compared it to Apple's iPhone have been asked by RIM to remove a side-by-side review comparing browsing speed between the two devices.
Publié: août 22, 2008, 7:34pm CEST
Microsoft is reportedly investing $300 million in a new advertising campaign starring comedian Jerry Seinfeld and designed by the firm responsible for Burger King's popular, yet disturbing King ads.
Publié: août 22, 2008, 7:03pm CEST
Mobile service provider Orange Poland this week hired actors to help "warm up" reception to Apple's latest phone. Meanwhile, in India, a new iPhone 3G costs the US equivalent of $712 -- another indicator of barriers in some emerging markets.
Publié: août 22, 2008, 7:00pm CEST
A curiously simple oversight may have opened every MobileMe user to the risk of having their e-mail address harvested just by looking through the company's iDisk folder hierarchy.
Publié: août 22, 2008, 12:57am CEST
A Maryland company has sued Nintendo, alleging that the Wii's controller infringes upon four of the company's patents.
Publié: août 22, 2008, 12:13am CEST
The Canadian software producer published a statement this morning confirming that it is discussing a sale to undisclosed third parties.
Publié: août 22, 2008, 12:08am CEST
FEMA is now investigating a hack attack against its voice mail system that racked up $12,000 in international calls, with preliminary evidence indicating that "contractor error" was probably involved.